Wilderness First Aid

Field Training 2024

English WFA course in The Netherlands

Certified WFA course

This Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course is hosted in collaboration with Sixcheck.nl. Hosted by first aid instructor Siebe Sietsma. After 16 years of service, as a medic in the Dutch army, Siebe now teaches medic first responder courses for adventurous travelers and specialized troops abroad. He’s comfortable traveling off grid and knows how to handle during medical emergencies. Siebe is also a certified EHBBO instructor for the NKBV. 


Wilderness First Aid certificate

Medical training when emergency services are out of reach

Do you want to be well prepared when you’re out in the middle of nowhere and be able to act confidently, even when something goes wrong? We help you to acquire the necessary skills in a practical setting. Feel and experience what it is like to warm up a hypothermic travel companion and experience for yourself what the best way is to warm up slowly after being stone cold.

The focus of the course is on medical emergencies in the wilderness, but we practice all necessary survival elements that are you might need to prevent conditions from worsening while staying in remote areas.

What will you learn

We emphasize on medical treatment outside the reach of ambulances and other emergency services. This course is based on the internationally recognized PHTLS protocol (Prehospital trauma life support) and add on some very extensive practical exercises. 

We work with small groups of a maximum of 8 people, so that everyone receives personal attention. The certificate you’ll receive after completion is issued by the American Satefy & Health Instuture and is valid for two years.


Medical modules




Waterbased accidents


Broken bones, bruises and walking injuries




Bleedings & shock


Anaphylaxis & poisoning


Altitude sickness


Infectious diseases




Airway obstructions

Field Training


Emergency signaling


Transporting victims


Workshop waterfilter


Workshop emergency shelter


Workshop fire


Workshop backpack (prep tips)


2-day Wilderness First Aid Field Training
in Ommen (Overijssel)

€ 550,-


  • Internationally recognized Wilderness First Aid certificate
  • Extensive extra practical experiences and exercises compared to a regular WFA
  • Two days of first aid theory & practical lesson
  • 1 night accommodation (bivouac)
  • Lunch & dinner day 1 (vegan, gluten & lactose free options)
  • Breakfast & lunch day 2  (vegan, gluten & lactose free options)
  • Coffee, tea, hot chocolate
  • Outer cover for sleeping bag
  • All teaching materials

Not included

  • Packing list materials (including rain gear, sleeping bag and mat).
    List will follow after booking by email.
  • Transport to and from Ommen


At the moment there are no scheduled dates for the WFA course in English. Please contact us if you are interested.

wilderness first aid
hout hakken
casus training
ehbo survival

“This WFA Field Training differs from the regular 1- or 2-day Wilderness First Aid courses because you really experience what it is like to be on your own in an emergency.

Additionally you learn the most important ‘basic survival skills’, with extra attention for a colder climate.”

Siebe Sietsma – Sixcheck.nl
Wilderness First Aid instructor